LG has recently announced a brand new product offering to add to their already impressive "Technology Quiver".
Direct View LED Displays are available in numerous configurations and sizes up to 325" diagonal! MOreover, they can be configured to present multiple and simultaneous discrete programs. The first photo shows a Wide Screen setup with four discrete programs running in realtime. The lower photo shows 6 simultaneous programs being displayed on a 325" Super-Sized Display. Did I just say Super-Size my Display?
Direct View products are modular in nature and this supports configuing Viewo Walls with almost limitless possibiliites. Another major benefit of this technology is they are totally comfortable in bright room environments and have a non-glare screen. Off-Axis viewing is another great aspect of Direct View Technology. In the last but not least department, LG provides a 5 year warranty with these products.
If you care to learn more about this amazing technology, kindly reach out to us at: 561.391.1843 or at: info@soundpluswood.com